New Ebook - Discovering DDD

Build better

Struggling with complex software problems and communicating within teams? Domain-driven design may be just what you need.

Pre-order my ebook "Discovering Domain-driven Design" - the only resource you'll need for a distilled overview of domain-driven design.

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    Hey! šŸ‘‹ Iā€™m Matt, a full-stack developer who has experienced the trials and tribulations of designing and maintaining complex software for many years.

    ā€‹Matthew Brooksonā€‹

    Software engineer

    What you get:

    You'll get a PDF ebook that's been designed to be easily consumable but packed with value.


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    What is it all about?

    Domain-driven design is a complex topic which has been written about in depth by a number of authors, but can be a little overwhelming for those who are new to the notion of DDD.


    As a fellow developer you probably love learning to master the craft and want to write better software.

    Since being introduced to domain-driven design it's provided me a new perspective and enabled me to model complex concepts and build higher quality software than ever before.


    This book is an attempt to share my passion and knowledge for building quality software using domain-driven design principles. It aims to enable you to start implementing DDD concepts into your software engineering.
